FI*Arhantin Camelia



Bessie-Wint Rahat-Lukum


Westeria Questa Helsingor
Scarlett-Lotus Rahat-Lukum
Princess Jukko Helsingor
Xenia Princess Helsingor
Hjurrem Lana Helsingor


Hujrrem is mother of the litters: OS, B

Serena Remy Helsingor 


Serena is mother of the litters: VZ


Matrixe Jukko Helsingor
Matrixe is mother of the litters: T, C

Uma Oliv Helsingor

Uma is mother of the litters: E

Jukkola Odrey Helsingor


Jukkola is mother of the litters: M, P, Y, G


Renessa Bessie Helsingor


Renessa is mother of the litter: V


Questa Chelsea Helsingor


Questa is mother of the litter: W


Ruslana Lolo Helsingor


Questa is mother of the litters: B, N


Chelsea Lana Helsingor


Chelsea is mother of the litters:


Cherry Lana Helsingor


Jadore Chelsea Helsingor


Sansa Lolo Helsingor



Sansa is mother of the litter: Y, E, L 


Engie Uma Helsingor



Hillary Jay Helsingor

Hillary is mother of the litters: A, I
Undina Oliv Helsingor

Undina is mother of the litter: D


Odrey Disa Helsingor
Odrey is mohter of the litters: F, J
   Paige Lyta Helsingor 

Paige is mother of the litter: H



Diana mother of litters: M, O, U, Sh
Vanessa mother of litters: T, L
Oliva Disa Helsingor
Oliva mother of the litter: U
Lolita  mother of litters: S,R,N
Кarmelita mother of the litter: P

Masya mother of the litter: C


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